Document Type : Research - Paper
M.Sc, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Kerman, Iran
The process of recovering metals from spent lithium-ion batteries is difficult due to the complexity of the metal components. Therefore, the separation and extraction of metal ions from the leaching solution of spent lithium-ion batteries requires a set of hydrometallurgical processes. In this research, precipitation and solvent extraction processes have been used to the final recovery of metals. Initially, 96.5% of manganese ions were precipitated by applying potassium permanganate with the molar ratio of manganese ions to potassium permanganate: 2 and pH: 2. Then, via dimethylglyoxime in molar ratio of nickel ions to dimethylglyoxime: 0.5, and pH: 5, 96% nickel recovered, approximately. Subsequently, using 30 v/v% D2EHPA and 5 v/v% TBP respectively as an extractant and a modifier of the organic phase, and under optimal conditions of Vo/Va: 1, pH: 5, temperature 25 ºC, time 20 min and mixing speed 400 rpm, it is possible to achieve 93.38% cobalt extraction efficiency and also control the loss of lithium at 16.74%. Finally, in the molar ratio of lithium ions to sodium carbonate: 0.7, temperature 100 ºC, time 40 min, mixing speed 400 rpm and the pH: 12, the lithium precipitation efficiency reached to 98.84%.