Comparison of the Effect of Tap Water and Process Water on the Galena and Sphalerite Minerals Flotation

Document Type : Research - Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran

2 M.Sc, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran


In this study, the effect of recycled water on the grade and recovery of lead and zinc sulfide flotation in comparison with Tap water has been investigated. The ore sample was prepared from Anguran lead and zinc mine, and the process water sample was prepared from KZG (Kimia Zanjan Gostaran) lead and zinc flotation plant. The results showed that when process water is used compared to Tap water, the recovery and grade of Galena and Sphalerite decreased. In Galena flotation, the recovery using Tap water was 3% higher than process water, and the grade with Tap water was significantly higher (8%). In Sphalerite flotation with Tap water, the recovery and grade were significantly increased (11% of recovery and 10% of grade). Investigation of the oxides in Galena and Sphalerite concentrates revealed that the number of oxides that were non-selective activated in the presence of process water is higher. This result is due to flotation reactant residues in these waters and their Precipitation on Galena and Sphalerite ores and non-selective activation of other minerals.


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