Designing the number of flotation cells in Nochon copper mine based on model of ideal flows pattern


1 Ph.D Student, Dept. of Mining & Metallurgy, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mining, University of Kashsn & Amirkabir University of Technology


Designing flotation circuits is very important in terms of number of cells, in series or parallel topology to achieve the maximum efficiency. In most factories, the conventional forms of design are used. In this article, plug flow is used for number of cells calculation and estimating and designing the recovery of the ropher circuit.  The model replicates Nochon complex flotation circuits, for which a sample of the mineral copper was collected and tested. The two key parameters of kinetic study k & R, are obtained with flotation parameter (k=0.13; R=96.88; RTD=28 min). The retention time was also calculated to be 28 minutes. Using the aformentioned Plug flow model and taking the factory production capacity into account the flotation circuit was determined with up to 3 parallel line and 7 series of cells. In other words from 21 cells with 4 minutes residence time, volume and total recovery are obtained 4 m3 & 94.34%. These results correspond with the results of a laboratory cell with 28 minutes Retention time and Plug flow. 


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