Safety risk analysis of dimensional stone quarried by diamond wire saws using FMEA method (Case study: Badeki marble quarry - Ghareh-Ziaeddin)


1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering, Urmia University of Technology

2 M.Sc Student, Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering, Urmia University of Technology

3 B.Sc. Student, Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering, Urmia University of Technology


Dimensional stone mining includes tedious activities. It is necessary to study the safety and risk analysis with respect to the large volume of the diamond wire saws used and the number of accidents occurs in quarries. In this study, a safety risk analysis is done for Badeki marble quarries using FMEA method identifying  the accidents happened in the mines. The results of analysis and ranking the risk of accidents showed that, wire saw tearing and rock fall are the biggest thread in these quarries. The average safety risk before and after reducer action in the quarries studied are 17.33% and 5.33%, respectively. It indicates a 69.23% decreasing trend in the total risk in these quarries. The results of this study showed that the initial risk in these mines can be greatly reduced by doing some changes and some preventive notices to secure the equipment and personnel.


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